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Sylvie's Hatha Yoga & Reiki


Union of Body, Mind + Soul = Being Present

About us


Sylvie Cormier
Certified Yoga Instructor, "Kripalu Inspired", RP-CRA


Sylvie Cormier is a certified Hatha Yoga Instructor, ”Kripalu inspired” from Atlantic Yoga Teacher Training (AYTT) – Halifax, Nova Scotia and is a Registered Practitioner with the Canadian Reiki Association, with a Teacher Reiki certification. Sylvie came to the practice of yoga in 2009 for the first time, wanting to take some time to do something for herself, but then in 2011 she realized that it was helping her to deal with stress and anxiety. In 2012, she began a daily home practice early in the morning while her two young sons are still in bed, and with time, she began to notice the effects of yoga that extended beyond her mat. Her daily yoga practice was her savior, in 2013 when her dad was ill and dying of leukemia. Her yoga practice is a time when she turns inward, tunes out the distractions of a busy life and then returns with mindful breath, strength, and increased mental clarity.


She is curious by nature, and given to helping others. Dedicated and passionate, she channeled her energy into deepening her knowledge of yoga. In 2014, she felt the need to take her personal practice to the next level, wanting to learn more about yoga. Sylvie now offers classes to participants who have been practicing yoga for a few years as well as offering classes to beginners.


Being part of Sylvie's yoga classes, provides you the opportunity to realize that yoga is personal and you will develop and grow at your body’s own pace.


But, first and foremost, it is mostly to work on yourself, with your own heart, swept away by the positive energy, both strong and soft, that she brings into her lessons.



Member of Canadian Reiki Association


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